Let’s say that our daily sensory activity makes up a total of 200 points. Of these points, each sense represents a proportion of its weight. The essence of sensory marketing is to appeal to multiple senses simultaneously - the more points filled, the better the chances of achieving the desired customer behavior.

The most dominant sense in everyday human life, accounting for 58 points of our daily sensory activity.
To note: Sight is the most overloaded sense, and there is constant competition for its attention. Moving image is the most effective way to capture the eye. Clear, easy-to-read images speed up the message processing.
Solution: BCN Digital Signage Displays

The second most used route to customer awareness. It accounts for 45 points of our daily sensory activity.
To note: Audio can be used to create a unique and distinctive atmosphere in any space. Audio has a positive impact on sales and brand image.
Solution: Digital Signage Audio

After sight, the most dominant sense, accounting for 47 points of daily sensory activity.
To note: we react emotionally to smells. Smells go directly to the areas of our brain corresponding to emotions and memories, without rational processing. Smells affect us largely unconsciously.
Solution: Scent marketing

The least used sense, making up 15 points of our daily sensory activity.
To note: Unlike our other senses, touch is a direct sense, meaning that consumers can only feel what is in their immediate vicinity.
Solution: product packaging design, material choices and size. Touch screens and haptic display solutions.

Scores 35 points on our daily sensory activity.
To note: The sense of taste is closely linked to the sense of smell. We cannot accurately distinguish flavors without interaction of smell.
Solution: Tastings, scent marketing